Tag Archives: Sullivan Copywriting

Welcome to Our Blog!





As a writing and marketing company, we recognize that communication is the most important part of what we do. It’s how we build brands, deliver news and provide ongoing, meaningful content for our clients. Sure, communication begins with effective writing, but it takes many forms. Blogging is one such form. This is our blog, and we invite you to step in and look around.

With our blog, we hope to convey useful ideas, thought-provoking topics and relevant information about writing, marketing, business strategy and leadership, all infused with a sense of humor. Occasionally, we’ll drift from our regular themes to discuss topics that might seem as if they come out of left field. Why? You never know what will spark a conversation, and besides, like you, we have interests beyond the day-to-day. We might blog about sports, travel or whatever strikes our fancy.

Mark Twain once wrote, “Write without pay until someone offers to pay.” Writers can relate to Twain, particularly those who’ve toiled away at dead-end jobs while attempting to scratch out a living writing. For years, while working tirelessly (and often, I felt, mindlessly) in the financial services industry, I looked for, and snatched up any job-related writing opportunity that arose. The type of writing mattered little. I enjoyed the writing process, as well as the break from the daily monotony. Technically speaking, I was paid to write. That’s how I saw it, even though I’m sure each company viewed my writing proclivity as just another way to squeeze more out of me without having to pay me anything beyond my salary.

At some point in our lives (usually when we have to start paying for stuff), the realization hits home that we need to get serious about making money. “Put your dreams aside, son,” we’re told, “it’s time to get serious about your career.” Armed with that enthusiasm-crushing advice, we march off to some button-pushing, lever-pulling job that is neither inspiring nor fulfilling. I know, because I’m describing myself. If you’re not doing what you feel passionate about, you’ll continue to feel the call of something different…something better. For me, I felt the call of writing.

Throughout my career, I’ve found that, with respect to writing, people fall into one of three buckets. These are merely my observations, but they’ve proven accurate.

  1. People Who Can’t Write

This group represents people for whom writing is an unbearable chore, as they tend to have neither the desire nor the ability. The English language is extraordinarily complicated, so it’s hardly surprising that grammar, spelling and style can flummox people.

  1. People Who Can Write, But Don’t (or Don’t Want To)

In this group are people who have the talent and ability to write, but avoid it wherever possible. They find it to be a grueling task, akin to having teeth pulled. Though people in this group understand the importance and value of well-written communication, they’re often focused on other high-value tasks.

  1. People Who Can Write and Do

Like any other writer, I fall into this bucket. You love writing, and can do it all day. It’s not a chore or task, at least in the sense of enjoyment. Sure, the occasional writer’s block pops up, however it’s not an insurmountable challenge. Not every assignment offers heart-pumping excitement; it’s the act of writing that fuels us.

We’ve had clients from each bucket (though mostly the first two), and each offers its own unique experience. Though shortened forms of communication are valued today (e.g. Twitter and text language), businesses can’t afford to have mistakes in their marketing materials, website content, blogs or sales proposals. One small grammar or style miscue can make all the difference between landing a big deal and seeing the competition win the business.

So, with all this said, how important is writing to you and your business?

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